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Laars Mighty Therm AP Pool Heating Boiler

Input/Output Ratings & Shipping Weights


Input Output Weight
Indoor Outdoor Indoor Outdoor Indoor Outdoor
MBH MBH MBH MBH Pounds Pounds
500 500 500 405 410 808 855
600 600 600 486 492 819 949
715 715 715 579 586 873 1050
850 850 850 689 697 945 1100
1010 1010 1010 818 828 1041 1240
1200 1200 1200 972 984 1199 1410
1430 1430 1430 1158 1173 1280 1570
1670 1670 1670 1353 1370 1445 1622
1825 1825 1825 1478 1497 1570 1725
2000 2000 2000 1639 NA 1950 NA
2200 2200 2200 NA 1786 NA 2320
2450 2450 2450 2009 NA 2100 NA
2800 2800 2800 NA 2223 NA 2500
3050 3050 3050 2501 NA 2250 NA
3200 3200 3200 NA 2552 NA 2840
3500 3500 3500 2870 NA 2510 NA
3600 3600 3600 NA 2952 NA 3175
4000 4000 4000 NA 3281 NA 3940
4050 4050 4050 3321 3321 2750 NA
4500 4500 4500 3690 3645 2900 3790
5000 5000 NA 4100 NA 3200 NA
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Connection & Venting Sizes


Connection Sizes

Vent Diameter
Natural Gas Propane Gas Water 
Inches Inches Inches Inches
500 1 ¾ 10
600 1 ¾ 12
715 1 ¾ 12
850 1 ¾ 14
1010 1 16
1200 1 16
1430 18
1670 18
1825 18
2000 4 22
2200 4 NA
2450 4 24
2800 4 NA
3050 2 4 26
3200 2 4 NA
3500 2 4 28
3600 2 2 4 NA
4000 2 4 NA
4050 2 4 30
4500 2 4 32
4500 2 4 NA
5000 2 4 34
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Central Florida Representative:
Conservation Systems, Inc.
5850 Lakehurst Drive, Suite 120
Orlando, FL 32819-8386
407.351.9121 Phone
407.352.6391 Fax
Laars Heating Systems Co.
A subsidiary of Bradford White Corporation
1355 Kuehner Drive
Simi Valley, CA 93063-4478
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Please read our Terms of Sale notice carefully before placing an order.
Site Copyright 2006 © Conservation Systems, Inc. Orlando, Florida USA
All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.
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