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EXHAUSTO EBC 12 Fan Speed Control
EBC 12 Fan Speed Control 
The EXHAUSTO EBC 12 Modulating Fan Control system is used to balance the draft or pressure in a chimney system by adjusting the speed of the EXHAUSTO Chimney Fan mounted. It can control a single On/Off or modulating heating appliance, control the pressure in ducts attached to multiple clothes dryers at a laundry facility, or maintain a neutral or negative pressure in common ducts serving range hoods, clothes dryers or bathrooms.
The EBC 12 system consists of an electronic control box (pictured at right), a pressure sensor (XTP) and a stack probe. The XTP senses the draft pressure of a chimney via the stack probe. The control box monitors the signal from the XTP and increases or decreases the fan speed accordingly.
When there is a call for heat, the EBC 12 system starts the exhaust fan at full speed. Once the required draft is achieved, it is maintained until the appliance is turned off. In the event of an electrical, mechanical or control failure, an integrated safety feature will shut down any monitored appliance.
The EBC 12 system can be used to control a fan directly, or indirectly via a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD).

Product Information
Installation Manual

EXHAUSTO EBC 12 Fan Speed Control
EBC 12 Specifications
Power Supply 1 x 120V AC 60 Hz
Load 6.3 Amps
Control Signal max. 10 mA
Control Relay Load max. 120V AC 8 Amps
AC Output 10V to 120V AC
DC Output 0V to 10V DC

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